Shivani Bhai is a famous Indian film actress, model and host wo has appeared in Malayalam, Telgu and Tamil langugage films and is now based in the United Sates of America and has a very huge fan following in India, US and all over and she is very famous on the social media .
Shivani Bhai has special love for the game of cricket being married to an Indian cricketer Prasanth Parameswaran who is currently playing in IPL from Sunrisers Hyderabad. She has keen interest in promoting cricket in United States of America and has been now officially named the Brand Ambassador of the American Youth Premier Cricket League (AYPCL) for Media & Marketing of the prestigious, upcoming and the most happening cricket league for the youth division in the United States of America.
D V Ravi, President and Rahul Sharma, CEO of AYPCL warmly welcomes Shivani Bhai to the broadly growing team of American Youth Premier League.